نتایج جستجو

Nuclear Structure Problems - Proceedings Of The French-japanese Symposium : Proceedings of the French - Japanese Symposium
Hideaki Otsu; Tohru Motobayashi; Patricia Roussel-Chomaz; Takaharu Otsuka, 2012
Yale French Studies: New Spaces for French and Francophone Cinema
James Austin; Grace An, 2009
Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
Ned Stuckey-French, Elizabeth Stuckey-French, Janet Burroway, 2019
French Westerns: On the Frontier of Film Genre and French Cinema
Timothy Scheie, 2024
English Grammar for Students of French
Jacqueline Morton, 1993
Energy Statistics Yearbook 2005 (English and French)
United Nations, 2008
Elsevier's dictionary of computer science in English, German, French, and Russian
B. Delijska, P. Manoilov, 2001
A French-English dictionary for chemists
Austin M. Patterson, 1954
A French-English Dictionary For Chemists
Patterson, 1954
An Afar-English-French dictionary
Parker E. M., Hayward R.J., 1985
French Vocabulary for English Speakers - 3000 words
Andrey Taranov, 2012
A modern English verse translation of five Old French fabliaux
DuVal, John, 1977
1830-1930: A Century of Geometry: Epistemology, History and Mathematics (Lecture Notes in Physics) (English and French Edition)
Luciano Boi, Dominique Flament, Jean-Michel Salanskis, 1992
Comparative Stylistics of French and English: A methodology for translation
Jean-Paul Vinay, Jean Darbelnet, Juan C. Sager, M.-J. Hamel, 1995
A French-English grammar : a contrastive grammar on translational principles
Morris Salkoff., 1999.
English Grammar for Students of French, Third Edition
Jacqueline. Morton, 1993