نتایج جستجو

Graphene-Based Terahertz Electronics and Plasmonics: Detector and Emitter Concepts
Vladimir Mitin (editor), Victor Ryzhii (editor), Taiichi Otsuji (editor), 2020
Herman Daly’s Economics for a Full World: His Life and Ideas
Peter A. Victor, 2021
Instrumentalists and Renaissance Culture, 1420–1600: Players of Function and Fantasy
Victor Coelho, Keith Polk, 2016
Remote Sensing of Turbulence
Victor Raizer, 2021
Hühnersuppe fur die Seele
Canfield, Jack Hansen, Mark Victor
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming
Maurice Herlihy; Nir Shavit; Victor Luchangco; Michael Spear, 2020
Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre : bellas artes, historia e ideología / Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez.
Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez
Amazonía Ecuatoriana : bajo presión
Janett Ulloa; Juan Calles L.; Victor Espíndola; López Acevedo López A., 2013
Remembering May Fourth: The Movement and Its Centennial Legacy
Carlos Yu Lin; Victor Mair, 2020
Handling Verbal Confrontation: Take the Fear Out of Facing Others
Robert Gerard, Elin Barton (editor), Mary Ross (editor), Zeljka Roksandic (editor), Victor Beasley (editor), 2016
Die nordamerikanische Sklaverei
Victor Aimé Huber, 1864
The Lords of Human Kind: European Attitudes to Other Cultures in the Imperial Age
Victor Kiernan, 2015
Ethical Humans: Life, Love, Labour, Learning and Loss
Victor Jeleniewski Seidler, 2021
ASE’s Comprehensive Echocardiography
Steven A Goldstein MDFACC (editor), Itzhak Kronzon MDFASEFACCFAHAFESCFACP (editor), Bijoy Khandheria MDFASEFESCFACP (editor), Victor Mor-Avi PhD (editor), 2015
A-Z Guide to Boilerplate and Commercial Clauses
Mark Anderson, Victor Warner, 2017
A First Course in Abstract Algebra
John B. Fraleigh; Victor J Katz, 2020
Violencias que persisten
Peña, Mario Aguilera; Barrera, Víctor; Gutiérrez Sanín, Francisco; Parada Hernández, María Mónica; Perea Restrepo, Carlos Mario; Vargas M, Ricardo, 2020
Whole Person Education in East Asian Universities: Perspectives from Philosophy and Beyond (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series)
Benedict S. B. Chan (editor), Victor C. M. Chan (editor), 2021
America: From White Settlement to World Hegemony
Victor Kiernan, 2015
Perú: el problema agrario en debate. SEPIA XIII
Patricia Ames, Víctor Caballero (editors), 2010
El antiimperialismo y el APRA
Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, 2010
Mensaje de la Europa nórdica
Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, 2010
Plone 3 Intranets
Víctor Fernández de Alba, 2010
Global Science Literacy
Victor J. Mayer (eds.), 2002