نتایج جستجو

Reframing Twentieth-Century French Philosophy: The Roots of Desire (Continental Philosophy and the History of Thought)
Elodie Boublil (editor), 2023
3D Graphene: Fundamentals, Synthesis, and Emerging Applications (Carbon Nanostructures)
Ram K. Gupta (editor), 2023
Minorities in Wartime: National and Racial Groupings in Europe, North America and Australia during the Two World Wars
Panikos Panayi (editor), 1993
Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Since the Bell Inequalities: Selected Reprints/Reprint Books Series No. Rb-52
Leslie E. Ballentine (editor), 1988
Die DDR-Literatur und die Wissenschaften
Angela Gencarelli (editor), 2022
Across the Worlds of Islam: Muslim Identities, Beliefs, and Practices from Asia to America
Edward E. Curtis (editor), 2023
Sustainable Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Pollution Control
Maulin P. Shah (editor), 2023
Civitates, regna und Eliten: Die regna des Frühmittelalters als Teile eines ‚unsichtbaren Römischen Reiches‘
Jürgen Strothmann (editor), 2020
Kuramdan Uygulamaya İnsani Diplomasi
Editör: Hafize Zehra Kavak
Ougarit, un anniversaire: Bilans et recherches en cours: Volume 28 (Ras Shamra - Ougarit)
V. Matoïan (editor), 2021
Le Livre de Florimont: Volume 21 (Ktemata)
A. Sobczyk (editor), 2021
Orbis Terrarum 14
Michael Rathmann (editor)
In memoriam Francolino Gonçalves, O.P. (1943-2017): Volume 91 (Études Bibliques. Nouvelle Série)
M. Staszak (editor), 2022
Het Hof Bladelin in Brugge en de restauratie van de schilderijen in de Romeinse Zaal
L. Watteeuw (editor), 2021
Emergency Psychiatry (PRIMER ON SERIES)
Tony Thrasher (editor), 2023
Archeologie, patrimoine et archives: Les fouilles anciennes a Ras Shamra et a Minet el-Beida II
V. Matoian (editor), 2019
The Temple in Text and Tradition: A Festschrift in Honour of Robert Hayward
R. Timothy McLay (editor), 2015
L'Iliade : Epopée du XIIe siècle sur la guerre de Troie
Joseph d'Exeter, Francine Mora (editor)