انتشارات Woodhead Pub

Maillard Reactions in Chemistry, Food and Health (Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition)
T.P. Labuza, V Monnier, J Baynes, J O'Brien, 1998
Building the Ecological City
Rodney R. White, 2002
Humidification and ventilation management in textile industry
B Purushothama, 2009
Functional materials for sustainable energy applications
John Kilner, Stephen Skinner, Stuart Irvine, Peter Edwards, 2012
Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks : monitoring, control and automation
Budampati, Ramakrishna; Kolavennu, Soumitri, 2016
Liquid Moulding Technologies: Resin Transfer Moulding, Structural Reaction Injection Moulding and Related Processing Techniques
C.D. Rudd, A.C. Long, K.N. Kendall, C Mangin, 1997
Thermoset Resins for Composites. Directory and Databook
Trevor Starr, Mary Starr and Technolex (Auth.), 1998
Thermoset Resins for Composites: Directory and Databook
Technolex, 1998
Agri-Food Quality II. Quality Management of Fruit and Vegetables
M. Hagg, R. Ahvenainen, A.M. Evers and K. Tiilikkala (Auth.), 1999
Human milk biochemistry and infant formula manufacturing technology
Mingruo Guo, 2014
Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk, Volume 2 - Improving Quality in Milk Products
Griffiths, Mansel W. (Eds.), 2010
Improving the Safety and Quality of Milk. Milk Production and Processing
M. Griffiths (Eds.), 2010
Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water: Current Issues
M Fielding, M Farrimond, 1999
Concise Chemistry of the Elements
S.C. Siekierski, John Burgess, 2002
Modelling, Simulation and Control of the Dyeing Process
R. Shamey, X. Zhao, 2014
Modelling, simulation and control of the dyeing process
R Shamey; X Zhao, 2014
Flavour development, analysis and perception in food and beverages
JK Parker; JS Elmore; L Methven; DP Balagiannis, 2015
Flavour development, analysis and perception in food and beverages
J K Parker; J S Elmore; L Methven, 2013
Flavour Development, Analysis and Perception in Food and Beverages
J K Parker, Stephen Elmore, Lisa Methven, 2014
NMR metabolomics in cancer research
Miroslava Cuperlovic-Culf, 2013
Advances in 3D textiles
Chen, Xiaogang, 2015