نتایج جستجو

Torts and Other Wrongs
John Gardner, 2021
Chiplet Design and Heterogeneous Integration Packaging
John H. Lau, 2023
1000 Shocking Facts You Might Not Have Known
John Brown, 2015
Rhythms of Saint Ephrem the Syrian (Gorgias Theological Library)
John Morris, 2006
Sequential or Direct Ordination?: A Return to the Sources (Gorgias Liturgical Studies)
John St. H. Gibaut, 2009
The Syrian Churches
John Wesley Etheridge, 2011
Old Fields: Photography, Glamour, and Fantasy Landscape
John R. Stilgoe, 2014
Pilgrimage and Political Economy: Translating the Sacred
Simon Coleman; John Eade, 2018
The History of the Great Deeds of Bishop Paul of Qentos and Priest John of Edessa (Texts from Christian Late Antiquity)
Hans Arneson;Emanuel Fiano, 2010
On Message: Communicating the Campaign
Pippa Norris; John Curtice; David Sanders; Margaret Scammell; Holli A Semetko, 1999
BDD in Action
John Ferguson Smart, Jan Molak, 2023
Geometry from a Differentiable Viewpoint
John McCleary, 2012
John Deere's Steel Plow
Edward C. Kendall, 2016
Arabian Wisdom (Analecta Gorgiana)
John Wortabet, 2010
Assyrians in Yonkers: Reminiscences of a Community
John Pierre Ameer, 2008
Makings of the Sea
John Baldacchino, 2010
Famine: Its Causes, Effects and Management
John R. K. Robson, 2023
Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research
Gayle Letherby; John Scott; Malcolm Williams, 2012
The Likk Room
John Smyth, 2009
Remembering Music in Early Greece
John C. Franklin, 2012
From Ugarit to Nabataea: Studies in Honor of John F. Healey (Gorgias Ugaritic Studies)
George Kiraz; Zeyad Al-Salameen